About project

NEEDEDU4.0 „EnhaNcing MEchanical Engineering EDUcation in Moldova for Industry 4.0”

ERASMUS + Project nr. 101128623

General objective: Development, accreditation and implementation of a new inter-university master programme in mechanical engineering, provided in 3 HEIs in the Republic of Moldova, which is in line with the development and internationalisation strategy of the targeted HEIs and the development strategies of higher education in the Republic of Moldova.

Specific Objectives that project:

  1. Identify the set of skills required for the occupation of mechanical engineer for the automotive sector, linked to the dynamics and evolution of the car manufacturing industry.
  2. Development of a new inter-university master program for mechanical engineering, provided in partnership by 3 universities in the Republic of Moldova, adapted to regional economic trends and the requirements dictated by Industry 4.0.
  3. Accreditation of the new inter-university master programme in mechanical engineering by all partner institutions (RM).
  4. Implementation of the newly developed inter-university master program with a special focus on the use of digital active-participatory tools in the teaching-learning-assessment processes.